Dennis G. Chappabitty
Attorney at Law
Oklahoma Bar Association #1617
Practice Areas
Federal Employment Law
You Must Protect and Vigorously Defend Your Rights as a Federal Employee.
If you are a federal employee who has been wronged or discrimin-ated against in any way, the Chappabitty Law Office will assist you in protecting your rights. The firm represents clients in:
Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filings
Disciplinary actions
U.S. Merit System Protection Board Adverse action appeals / settlement proposals
Whistleblower retaliation issues
Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment
Federal Indian Law
Federal Indian law involves a distinct body of law that relates to the legal relationships between the federal government and Indian tribes. It is dynamic, evolving and encompasses several hundred years of federal policies and interaction with tribes.
Federal Criminal Law
I have represented clients, some of whom were federal employees, charged with serious federal criminal offenses. In this capacity, I have served as lead defense counsel in federal jury trials and negotiated pleas when appropriate.